Sebastian Espinel Rios

Sebastian Espinel Rios


Sebastian Espinel Rios


Sebastián is interested in machine-learning supported and -driven modeling, optimization, control, monitoring, and automation methods for advanced biotechnological applications. He holds a Doctoral degree in Engineering (Doktoringenieur) from the International Max Planck Research School for Advanced Methods in Process and Systems Engineering (Germany), a joint initiative between the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Additionally, he has a Master´s of Science degree in Biotechnology, specializing in Process Technology, from Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands), and a Bachelor´s of Science degree in Biotechnology Engineering from the Autonomous University of Yucatán (Mexico). Outside of science, he enjoys traveling the world, hiking in the mountains, and drinking matcha tea.